Attendee Policies
Scientific Integrity Policy

The American Physiology Summit Scientific Integrity Policy for submission of abstracts is based on the APS Ethics Policy created by the editors of the American Physiological Society (APS) journals, as adapted from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors recommendation for the Conduct, Reporting and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.


Each author is expected to have:

  • Made an important contribution to the conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data in the study.
  • Drafted or revised the manuscript critically for intellectual content.
  • Approved the final version of the submitted abstract.

Those who meet all three criteria should be included as authors. Those who do not meet all three criteria should not be included as authors. Each author is expected to:

  • Take responsibility for at least one component of the work.
  • Have access to the raw data and figure files for their component(s).
  • Identify which author is responsible for each component.
  • Display confidence in their co-authors’ ability and integrity.

The first author is considered the presenting author, and must be thoroughly familiar with the original data for the entire study and be responsible for the integrity of the whole work. If the abstract is found to be faulty or fraudulent, all co-authors may share responsibility.

The first author submits the abstract and confirms on behalf of each co-author that all rules and policies have been followed. Each author will receive a confirmation email upon abstract submission and upon any subsequent abstract revision or withdrawal. Co-authors have seven days to contest submission, revisions or withdrawal.  The first author is responsible for providing accurate contact information for all authors. Verifiable institutional or personal email addresses are required.

Author Conflict of Interest

The presenter is required to disclose—verbally and in writing on presentation slides and/or posters—any perceived or potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise. Conflicts of interest may include consultancies, stock ownership, equity interests, patent-licensing arrangements, lack of access to data and lack of control of the decision to publish or present or any other potential conflict).

Plagiarism, Falsification and Fabrication

Abstracts, posters, slides and oral presentations should not include plagiarized, fabricated or falsified content. Taking material from another’s work and submitting and/or presenting it as one’s own is considered plagiarism. Making up or altering information to agree with one’s conclusions, including altering data, is considered fabrication or falsification.

Abstract Presentation

Material included in the presentation of an abstract must be substantively identical to that described in the submitted abstract. The title, authorship and scientific content of a presentation at the Summit must match that of the abstract.

Presenters should report efforts to ensure the transparency, rigor and reproducibility of their research. Present the research question, rationale and whether the study is exploratory or confirmatory. Presenters must be transparent in their reporting of a study’s experimental design and analytical methods, and when relevant, state the sex of experimental subjects and whether sex differences were assessed. Presenters should note biological variables such as species, sex, age, strain or cell line, where applicable. Presenters must report efforts to reduce bias, including blinding, statistics, sample sizes, and replication, and report which tools were used.

Abstract Review and Scheduling

The Summit or conference program committee determines which abstracts will be presented orally and which will be presented in poster format. These committees reserve the right to reject any abstract that has not complied with the aforementioned rules.

Code of Conduct

The American Physiological Society is committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, or other protected characteristics. We expect all attendees, media, speakers, volunteers, organizers, venue staff, guests, and exhibitors to help us ensure a safe and positive conference experience for everyone.

We expect all participants at any APS Conference to abide by this Code of Conduct in all venues, including ancillary events and official and unofficial social gatherings.

  • Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions.
  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert the APS Staff at the registration desk if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this Code of Conduct.
Unacceptable Behaviors Include
  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning speech or actions by any participant at the conference and at all related events.
  • Harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments or visual images related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, or other personal characteristics.
  • Inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation slides).
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following.
  • Harassing photography.
  • Photographing slides of oral presentations and posters without the express permission of the presenter/author.
  • Recording of scientific and other sessions without the express permission of the participants.
  • Sustained disruption of scientific sessions or other events.
  • Unwelcome and uninvited attention or contact.
  • Physical assault (including unwelcome touch or groping).
  • Real or implied threat of physical harm.
  • Real or implied threat of professional or financial damage or harm.
What to Do if You Witness or Experience Conduct that Violates the Code

The American Physiological Society staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, and otherwise assist those experiencing harassment, to enable them to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance, and want to make your experience as productive and professionally stimulating as possible.

If you witness or experience conduct that violates the Code of Conduct, you may report it confidentially through the EthicsPoint hotline or by calling 844.235.9954.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior from any participant at any APS Conference, including attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, contractors, volunteer leaders, vendors, venue staff, and anyone with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior, the American Physiological Society staff may take any action they deem appropriate, including removal from the above named conference, without refund, and/or future APS Conferences and Meetings. Egregious violations will result in more severe sanctions, including the possibility of reporting to local law enforcement.

Permission to Share Research Information Policy

Photo or video capture of any scientific presentation in whole or part without the express permission of the presenter is prohibited. Recording or taking photography of another person without their express permission is prohibited. Individuals observed photographing or videotaping any presentation, in whole or part, will be asked to leave the meeting immediately, forfeiting the registration fee. You must receive express permission from a presenter before sharing the contents of their presentations on social media. Please respect these requests for privacy as a professional courtesy.

Social Media Policy

APS encourages the use of social media during meetings as a way of connecting with other attendees and expanding the reach of science being presented at our meetings and conferences. If you plan on using social media to discuss the meeting, please use the official the hashtag (found on the APS Meetings webpage). Note: Sharing of specific research presentations, poster or slides is prohibited without the express permission of the presenter. (See Permission to Share Research Information Policy.)

Video and Photography Release for Conferences

APS captures photos and video at its events which may be used in future promotions.  We will be capturing activities, including portions of the symposium, poster sessions, meals and symposium attendees. These materials may be used in future promotions of APS.  

By taking part in this event, you grant the event organizers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography and video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images, for the promotion of the APS or its publications, fundraising, publicity or other purposes. This may include (but is not limited to) the right to use them in printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.

Press Registration Policy 
Press Registration Policy

Complimentary registration is available for credentialed press to cover APS conferences and scientific meetings. Pre-registration for media and freelance writers is encouraged.

Journalists working at print, television, radio and online media outlets who wish to apply for a press pass for the American Physiology Summit should fill out the registration form. Visit the Summit Newsroom.

Please note: Representatives of journals that do not contain news sections are not eligible for press passes; nor are editors of journals or other publications who do not edit their outlet’s news section. This rule will be strictly enforced.

Representatives of book, magazine and journal publishers as well as advertising and marketing representatives are ineligible for press passes.

Public information officers and individuals representing public relations firms must register as nonmembers and pay the nonmember conference rate.

Registered journalists must wear their press badges when attending the conference and when covering Society-sponsored events. All of the scientific sessions are open to the press. Camera crews must register all members and wear badges at all times.

For more information, contact the APS Office of Communications 301.634.7314 or

Press Embargo Policy

Research presented at APS meetings and conferences is embargoed until the time that the session or poster is presented and should not be released in advance of the poster/session start time. Taking or sharing photos of posters, figures, slides or other related materials before the presenter’s session time is not allowed.

Member Registration Rate Policy

Registration rates for the American Physiology Summit are determined by current American Physiological Society (APS) membership status. To qualify for member rates, members must be a current paid member in active status. This includes regular, trainee and student member categories. Please see descriptions of member status below.

  • Current active member: registering on or before the membership expiration date. To confirm membership status before registering, please log into your APS account.
  • Grace member: registering within three months after the membership expiration date.
  • Expired member: registering three to six months past the membership expiration date.
  • Dropped member: registering six months or more after the membership expiration date. Please contact to reinstate a dropped APS membership.

We encourage members to renew their APS membership prior to registering for an APS meeting or conference to avoid being charged the nonmember registration rate. Please note, renewing or reinstating membership can take up to 24 hours to update in registration system.

For more information about joining APS and receiving member registration rates to APS meetings and conferences please contact

APS Member Registration Verification
Members will be prompted to enter their APS member ID, or last name and email address to verify your membership status. To receive the member rate, membership must be current and paid as of the day prior to registering. Renewing membership can take up to 24 hours to update in registration system.

In most cases, the difference in the member and nonmember registration rates covers the cost of one year of APS membership. We encourage new members to join the Society prior to registering for APS meetings and conferences to take advantage of the member rate. Please allow new memberships 24 hours to update in the registration system.

Joining the Society after Summit registration
Contact to discuss membership and registration options.

Institutional Group Membership
Institutions, departments or labs that currently participate in the APS Institutional Group Membership program may qualify for 5% to 10% off the member registration rates, excluding the early rate. To qualify, institutions must meet the minimum of five registrants from their current group membership contract to take advantage of this additional discount. Please note, student and trainee group members do not qualify for group rates. To learn more, contact

Membership Dues Refunds
APS membership is nonrefundable and not transferable. See membership FAQs.

Content Capture, Photography and Recording Policy

The American Physiological Society (APS) is committed to upholding the rights of copyright owners and the ethical sharing of scientific data. Participants at the American Physiology Summit must adhere to this content capture, photography and recording policy.

Presenters and exhibitors should display the appropriate icon to indicate their preference for allowing or prohibiting content capture, photography and recording of the poster, presentation or exhibit booth, and sharing or remixing of the material. Presenters are expected to obtain permission from all co-authors before choosing the level of capturing and sharing allowed of the work described in the presentation. Presentations must be marked as “content capture prohibited” unless all co-authors agree to allow content capture.

To aid this process, APS provides presenters with digital graphics to incorporate, display or print on their slides, posters or exhibit materials.

Data Capture Policy Icons - OK

Content Capture Allowed
Use the green camera icon to denote that photography, recording, sharing, remixing or creating derivative works of the material is permitted. Content capture is allowed in these circumstances, provided it is not used for any commercial purposes and that appropriate attribution is provided. 

Data Capture Policy Icons - NO

Content Capture Prohibited
Use the red camera icon to denote that photography, recording, sharing, remixing or creating derivative works of the material is prohibited and all rights are reserved.

In the absence of a visible content capture image, photography, video or audio recording and sharing or remixing of content are prohibited. This includes posting identifiable images from presentations or posters on social media without the express consent of the authors.

Attendee photography and recording of presentations and exhibits should never be disruptive. The use of a camera flash is prohibited. Large cameras and other equipment such as tripods, monopods, etc. are prohibited in session rooms and exhibit halls. Handheld devices are permitted.

Event attendees are expected to honor requests regarding content capture as a matter of scientific and personal courtesy. Staff cannot police or actively enforce noncompliance. Attendees should report concerns to Event Management.

Child and Guest Policies

Companion badges are intended for use by a spouse, family member or guest accompanying a professional registrant. Children under 16 years of age are not permitted in the exhibit halls or sessions and are not eligible to receive a badge. Learn more about the APS Dependent Support Travel Award

NOTE: APS does not endorse these vendors, and is not affiliated with these services in any way. The information is being provided for information only. Registrants are encouraged not to rely solely upon this list and seek other child care services if needed. APS will not be held liable should registrants decide to contract with any child care services.

  • Babysitter’s Registry gives parents one place to search many of the leading caregiver services around the Internet.
  • Sitter City is a registry of experienced babysitters. 
  • provides a list of trusted babysitters.

Registered participants may bring up to three family members to attend only the session in which they are a speaker or presenter. Each guest badge is $150. Guest registrations may be added to conference registration during the initial registration process or added later. Use information found in the registration confirmation email to retrieve login information. Click on “Add a Guest” and fill out the form to add participants.

Diversity Resources for Scientific Meetings

APS Diversity Statement
APS is a community that appreciates, values and seeks the different dimensions that age, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, socio-economic status, religious beliefs, experiences, perspectives, lifestyles, geographic regions and cultures have to offer. APS strives to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all individuals. APS members are called upon to uphold these values within all professional settings by treating others with respect at all times.

APS is committed to promoting greater inclusivity at its scientific meetings to both represent the diversity of researchers working in the field and to provide opportunities for under-represented groups to feel included and valued. To that end, organizers are expected to have a speaker panel representative of underserved voices. Organizers of scientific content at APS meetings should strive to be inclusive across a multitude of areas including, but not exclusive to:

  • Gender and gender identity
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Physical ability
  • Career stage
  • Institutional affiliation, including type of institution

APS Resources
To assist with locating researchers from under-represented groups contact the following committees that work with under-represented groups:

APS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
APS Women in Physiology Committee
Scientific Program Committee
APS Section Advisory Committee

Institutional diversity is mandatory for scientific sessions. Contact the following person to access a list of researchers working in industry, government, military, or other non-academic institutions:

Jennifer Blenkle, APS Chief Community Officer

Additional Resources

Speakers Bureaus and Databases

If you have additional resources to include, please send information to: