Section Advisory Committee

PURPOSE: The Section Advisory Committee (SAC): (1) provides oversight to the Society’s sections; (2) represent the interests of the sections within the Society’s governance structure; and (3) serve as a feedback mechanism from the sections to the council and executive director of the Society

MEETINGS: The committee meets twice annually, once at the annual meeting and once in the fall. Other work of the committee may be conducted electronically  


The Section Advisory Committee is composed of one regular member elected by each section of the Society, plus a chair. Each member shall serve a term of three years; consecutive terms are prohibited. The committee shall elect a chair to serve a three-year term. The chair of the Scientific Program Committee is an ex officio, non-voting member. The chair also serves on the APS Advisory Council.

  • Elect a chair, who is a member of the committee or has served on the committee within the past three years. (If a current committee member is elected, then a new section representative will be appointed.  
  • Review the Statements of Organization and Procedures of Sections and make recommendations to Board of Directors.
  • Assist the Scientific Program Committee in the organization of scientific meetings.
  • Make recommendations to the Board regarding how the sections might be used to further the goals of the Society with regard to programs, publication, public affairs, and governance.
  • Review procedures for the selection of sectional awards and recommend possible changes.
  • Review section budgets periodically . 
  • Assist the Board in the strategic planning process and work with the Board to implement the strategy plan through the work of the sections. 
  • Submit a written annual report to the Board at their spring meeting, as part of the consent agenda, providing activities from the previous 12 months. The report will be due three weeks ahead of the meeting.

Committee Members

  • Katie Susan Hering-Smith, MS, PhD
    Tulane University

  • Alice Renee Villalobos, PhD
    Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
    Teaching Section

  • Christopher Mark Waters, PhD, FAPS
    University of Kentucky
    Respiration Section

  • Dane Alan Crossley, PhD
    University of North Texas
    Comparative & Evolutionary Physiology Section

  • Farah Sheikh, PhD
    University of California, San Diego
    Cardiovascular Section

  • Gene Leflore Bidwell, III, PhD
    University of Mississippi Medical Center
    Central Nervous System Section

  • Karen L Edelblum, PhD
    Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai
    Gastrointestinal & Liver Section

  • Licy L Yanes Cardozo, MD
    University of Mississippi Medical Center
    Endocrinology & Metabolism Section

  • Meena S. Madhur, MD,PhD
    Indiana University
    Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section

  • Paul J Marvar, PhD
    George Washington University
    Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation Section

  • Robert A. Fenton, PhD
    Aarhus University, Denmark
    Renal Section

  • Sandrine V Pierre, PhD
    Marshall University
    Cell & Molecular Physiology Section

  • Tracy Baynard, PhD
    University of Massachusetts Boston
    Environmental & Exercise Section