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Strategic Planning Task Force

To support and advise Council and the membership on strategic planning, the Society assembled the Strategic Planning Task Force. The Strategic Planning Task Force will be exploring how APS can best serve members and advance the discipline over the next three to five years, while adapting to the changing environment.

Headshot - Rick SamsonWillis K. Samson, PhD, DSc, FAPS
Saint Louis University School of Medicine

Headshot - Scott SteenScott Steen, CAE, FASAE
Executive Director
American Physiological Society

Headshot - Lacy AlexanderLacy Alexander, PhD
Pennsylvania State University

Headshot - Margarita Curras-CollazoMargarita Curras-Collazo, PhD, FAPS
University of California, Riverside

Headshot - Karla HaackKarla Haack, PhD
Kennesaw State University

Headshot - Meredith HayMeredith Hay, PhD
University of Arizona

Headshot - Paul WellingPaul Welling, MD
Johns Hopkins University

Headshot - Jen BlenkleJennifer Blenkle
Staff Liaison
American Physiological Society