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Explore the science behind the biggest issues impacting life and health today and make connections that will last a lifetime at the 2025 American Physiology Summit (#APS2025).

Held annually by the American Physiological Society (APS), the Summit convenes thousands of life science researchers, educators and students from around the world. Join your vibrant, diverse community to celebrate and share the discoveries impacting the research community and the world around us.

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Inspiring Keynote Speakers 

Immerse yourself in three days of stellar science led by leaders in physiological research. The Summit is bookended by two general sessions to inspire the entire physiology community. Stay tuned for 2025 keynote speakers. 

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James Rothman, PhD
Sterling Professor of Cell Biology, Yale University

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Holly Ingraham, PhD
Herzstein Endowed Professor of Molecular Pharmacology University of California, San Francisco
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Eight Game-changer Sessions 

Eight game-changer sessions are scheduled for Friday and Saturday mornings. Top scientists from around the globe will come together to present on issues vital to the physiology community and the world around us, ranging from maternal diets to xenotransplantation.

80 Foundational Science Sessions

Fill your days with foundational science on novel scientific topics. Dive deep into your system-based basic research field or zoom out and examine the translational implications.

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Poster Receptions

Festive poster receptions on Friday and Saturday evenings in the PhysioHub provide lively exchange of the most recent advances in physiology and related disciplines.


The PhysioHub is designed to help you connect with fellow physiologists, get involved with APS, navigate funding your research, manage your teaching responsibilities, publish your work and more.

Social Events

The Summit is stacked with opportunities to connect with old and new friends. From a grand welcome festival to off-site meetups, there’s something for everyone.

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