Home / Professional Development / Awards / Trainees / Dependent Support Travel Award
Award Description

The APS Dependent Support Travel Award is a reimbursable allowance of up to $500 for the APS annual meeting and small conferences. Funds may not be used for on-going dependent care expenses or the costs associated with transporting dependents to the meeting. All awardees must have a receipt for reimbursement request. Four eligible funding scenarios are listed below.


Applicant must:

  • be an APS member in good standing at the time of application,
  • submit an abstract as first/senior author to APS by the abstract submission deadline, and
  • be a primary care-giver.

Only one Dependent Support Travel Award may be awarded per family. Priority will be given to trainees and early career scientists (must not be above the rank of assistant professor or equivalent in government, industry or medicine). Submissions to late-breaking abstracts do not apply.


Applications will be scored based on a 1-page summary describing how this travel award will be of benefit. Please include:

  • the number of dependents;
  • number of hours needed;
  • type of funding scenario support requested; and
  • estimated cost.
Eligible Funding Scenarios

(1) – Dependent(s) care provider travels to meeting location to care for dependent.

In the case for a dependent(s) in which it is not practical for them to remain at home, travel award funds may be applied to the travel costs associated with a family member or other caregiver to travel to the meeting location to care for the dependent(s) while the primary caregiver attends the meeting. Funds may be used towards one economy-class airfare or train fare, airport/station transfers, airport/station parking, mileage to/from airport/station, on-site housing (if housed in a separate room from the applicant).

(2) – Dependents travel to caregiver outside of home community.

If the dependent(s) will be cared for by a relative or caregiver who lives outside the attendee’s community, travel award funds may be applied to costs associated with transporting the dependent(s) to the caregiver’s home. Funds may be used towards dependent(s) economy-class airfare or train fare, unaccompanied minor travel fees (where applicable), or airport/station transfers.

(3) – Care provider travels to applicant’s home.

If the applicant must arrange for a caregiver to travel to their home to care for dependent(s) while the applicant participates in the meeting, travel award funds may be used for travel costs associated with one care provider’s travel from their home city to the applicant’s home. Travel award funds may be applied towards caregiver’s economy-class airfare or train fare, airport/station transfers, parking at caregiver’s airport/station or mileage and parking if driving to applicant’s home.

(4) – Additional hours at applicant’s home for Care provider.

If the applicant must arrange for a caregiver to spend additional hours at the applicant’s home to care for dependent(s) while the applicant participates in the meeting, travel award funds may be used for to pay for the hourly costs associated with the additional dependent(s) care expenses (i.e. longer hours of a babysitter or nanny).

Funding may NOT be applied to the following:

  • Ongoing dependent care an attendee would normally incur (ex. daycare, before-after school care)
  • Costs of dependent(s) travel to or from the meeting location
  • Any of the attendee’s expenses
  • We do not reimburse for rental cars


Applications are only accepted via online submission.



Award at a Glance

Award amount: up to $500

Award deadline: August 29

Questions? Contact: Member Communities Department

Who can apply: Must be an APS member in good standing. See eligibility for more information.