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- From Postdoc to Professor: Key Strategies for Success
Policy IQ
- Policy IQ—2023 in Review: How APS Advocated on Behalf of Physiologists
- Policy IQ—Supporting Equitable Research
- NIH's Road Map to a Better Postdoc Experience
- The Career Path to Science Advocacy
- Culture of Safety: Stopping Sexual Misconduct
- Physiologists Return to Capitol Hill
- Tips for Scientists to Communicate about Animal Research
- Science Advocacy in a New Political Landscape
Publish with Polish
- Publish with Polish
- The Layers of Open Science
- Take Your Content From Meeting to Manuscript
- APS Journals to Highlight Women’s Health Research
- What Subscribe to Open Means for APS Members
- The 5 Pillars of Publish with Purpose
- 3 Types of Metadata Researchers Should Know About
- Navigating Open Access and New Licensing Options
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The Physiologist Magazine
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American Physiology Summit
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- Keynote Speaker—James Rothman, PhD
- Keynote Speaker—George Brooks, PhD, FAPS
- Keynote Speaker—Holly Ingraham, PhD
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- Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award Orientation Agenda
- Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award Networking Luncheon Agenda
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- APS 2023 Call for Proposals
- Shocklogic Test
- Team 2023 Task Force
- Shaping the Summit
- Schedule at a Glance
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- Pre-Summit Center for Physiology Education Workshop
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- Keynote Speaker—Terrie Williams, PhD
- Keynote Speaker—David Julius, PhD
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- 2026 American Physiology Summit
- Joseph Erlanger: Pioneering Nerve Research and APS Leadership
- From Concept to Classroom
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American Physiology Summit
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APS Graduate Physiology & Biomedical Science Catalog
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- About APS
The American Physiological Society (APS) is committed to creating an environment where individuals can exchange ideas and be safe, accepted and respected. Please read the APS Honors and Awards Policy.
Researcher awards are geared toward members in early-, mid- and established career levels, defined as assistant professor or above. Awards are listed in alphabetical order by application deadline. You may also view APS and section awards in the list below. Months without award deadlines do not appear on the list.
Please visit each individual webpage for award and application details, eligibility and review criteria.
- Cardiovascular Section New Investigator Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the CV Section banquet) – January 6
- Cell & Molecular Physiology Section New Investigator Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Central Nervous System Section New Investigator Award ($1,000 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Comparative & Evolutionary Physiology Section New Investigator Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the CEPS banquet) – January 6
- Endocrinology & Metabolism Section New Investigator Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section CANTROL Environmental Systems New Investigator Research Award ($1,000 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental and Exercise Physiology Section Early Career Research Award ($500, plus reimbursement of the early registration fees to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section New Investigator Award ($1,000 plus reimbursement of early registration fees for the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Linda F. Hayward Achievement Award of the APS Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation Section ($500 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation Section (NCAR) New Investigator Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fees to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Renal Section New Investigator Award ($1,000) – January 6
- Respiration Section New Investigator Award ($1,000 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the Respiration Section banquet) – January 6
- Teaching Section New Investigator Award ($1,000 plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the Teaching of Physiology Section banquet) – January 6
- Teaching Section Research Recognition Awards ($500, plus reimbursement of early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the Teaching of Physiology Section banquet) – January 6
- Teaching of Physiology Section Travel Fellowships ($600) — January 6
- The Charlie Bates Research Award ($1,000, early registration reimbursement to the American Physiology Summit) – January 6
- Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section Jane Reckelhoff Mid-career Achievement Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit, and a complimentary ticket to the WEH Section luncheon) – January 6
- Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section Leonard Share Award ($1,250,plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit, complimentary admission to the WEH Section luncheon and a custom-designed award plaque) – January 6
- Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section New Investigator Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit, an invitation to publish a review based upon the American Physiology Summit presentation and a complimentary ticket to the WEH Section luncheon) – January 6
- William Galey Scholarship Award ($1,000, plus a complimentary ticket to the Teaching of Physiology Section banquet at the Summit or complimentary registration for the effective teaching course ($900 value) – January 6
- Gastrointestinal & Liver Physiology Section New Investigator Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the GIL Section banquet) – January 15
- Dependent Support Travel Awards (up to $500) – January 15
- Horace W. Davenport Distinguished Lectureship – ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 travel reimbursement to American Physiology Summit, reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the GIL Section banquet) – January 15
- John S. Fordtran Distinguished Research Award- ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the GIL Section banquet) – January 15
- Raj and Prem Goyal Lectureship in Pathophysiology of the Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases ($1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the GIL Section banquet) – January 15
- Teaching of Physiology Section Labfront Mid-career Educator Award ($500 plus one year of Labfront advanced account access, an award plaque and a complimentary ticket to the Teaching Section banquet) – January 15
- Dale J. Benos Early Career Professional Service Award ($1,000 and reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – January 17
- August Krogh Distinguished Lectureship of the Comparative & Evolutionary Section ($1,000, plus up to $2000 travel reimbursement, reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and two complimentary tickets to the CEPS banquet) – February 15
- Carl W. Gottschalk Distinguished Lectureship ($1,000, plus up to $2000 travel reimbursement and reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – February 28
- Carl J. Wiggers Award ($1,000, plus reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the CV Section banquet) – March 9
- Gabor Kaley Memorial Lectureship Award ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 in travel expense reimbursement, reimbursement of the early registration fee to for the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the CV Section banquet) – March 9
- Robert M. Berne Distinguished Lectureship ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 in travel expense reimbursement, reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the CV Section banquet) – March 9
- Renal Section Mid-career Achievement Award ($1,000) – March 14
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Edward F. Adolph Distinguished Lectureship ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 for reimbursement of travel and early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – March 21
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Impact Award ($1,000 plus reimbursement of the early
registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – March 21
- Joseph Erlanger Distinguished Lectureship ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 for travel expense reimbursement and reimbursement of the early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit) – April 22
- Hugh Davson Distinguished Lectureship ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 for travel expense reimbursement, reimbursement of the early registration fees to the American Physiology Summit and complimentary admission to the Cell Section banquet) – May 15
- Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section Honor Award ($1,250 plus reimbursement of the early
registration fees to the American Physiology Summit) – May 21
- John F. Perkins, Jr. Research Career Enhancement Awards (up to $20,000) – June 27
- Teaching Career Enhancement Awards (up to $10,000) – June 27
- Julius H. Comroe Jr. Distinguished Lectureship of the Respiration Section ($1,000 plus up to $2,000 for travel expense reimbursement, reimbursement of the early registration to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the Respiration Section banquet) – June 30
- Ernest H. Starling Distinguished Lecture of the APS Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 in travel expense, reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the WEH Section luncheon) – July 1
- Claude Bernard Distinguished Lectureship Award ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 in travel reimbursement, reimbursement of early registration fee for the American Physiology Summit and a complimentary ticket to the Teaching of Physiology Section banquet) – July 15
- Solomon A. Berson Distinguished Lectureship of the APS Endocrinology & Metabolism Section ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 for travel expense reimbursement and reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – July 31
- APS Fellows (FAPS) – September 16
- Dependent Support Travel Award for the Integrative Physiology of Exercise Conference (up to $500) – September 16
- Henry Pickering Bowditch Award Lectureship ($2,500, plus expenses incurred while attending the American Physiology Summit (up to $2000) – October 4
- Physiology in Perspective: The Walter B. Cannon Award Lecture ($4,000 plus expenses incurred while attending the American Physiology Summit (up to $2500) ) – October 4
- A. Clifford Barger Underrepresented Minority Mentorship Award ($1,000 honorarium and up to $1,500 in travel reimbursement to the American Physiology Summit) – November 22 - Deadline extended
- Bodil M. Schmidt-Nielsen Distinguished Mentor and Scientist Award ($1,000 and up to $1,500 in travel reimbursement to the American Physiology Summit) – November 22 - Deadline extended
- Annual Marion J. Siegman Lectureship Award ($1,000 and up to $2000 in travel expense reimbursement) – November 30
- Robert W. Berliner Award for Excellence in Renal Physiology ($1,000) – December 1
- APS Presidential Service Award ($1000) — December 2
- Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation Section Carl Ludwig Distinguished Lecture ($1,000 plus up to $2,000 for travel reimbursement and reimbursement of the early registration fees to the American Physiology Summit) – December 2
- Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation Section Lifetime Achievement Lecture ($1,000, plus up to $2,000 in travel expense reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – December 2
- ADInstruments Macknight Innovative Educator Award ($1,500, reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit and a one-year subscription to ADI software) – December 16
- Arthur C. Guyton Awards for Excellence in Integrative Physiology ($10,000, and reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – December 16
- Beverly Petterson Bishop Award for Excellence in Neuroscience ($20,000) – December 16
- Dean Franklin Young Investigator Award (DSI Instrumentation Starter Kit (approximate value $70,000) and reimbursement of early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit) – December 16
- Early- career Advocacy Fellowship (up to $1,500 travel reimbursement) – December 16
- Giles F. Filley Memorial Awards for Excellence in Respiratory Physiology & Medicine ($10,000) – Deadline 16
- The International Early-career Physiologist (IECP) Travel Awards ($1,000) – December 16
- Lazaro J. Mandel Young Investigator Award ($10,000) – December 16
- Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award (up to $1500 travel reimbursement) – December 16
- Shih-Chun Wang Young Investigator Award ($10,000) – December 16