Home / Professional Development / Awards / Researchers / Giles F. Filley Memorial Award for Excellence in Respiratory Physiology and Medicine


Award at a Glance

Award amount: $10,000 honorarium and reimbursement of the early registration to attend American Physiology Summit 

Application deadline: December 16

Questions? Contact: Scarletta Whitsett, APS Awards Manager

Who Can Apply: Postdoctoral fellow members as well as Early Career professionals in good standing for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years  

Current and Past Awardees

Award Description

The Giles F. Filley Memorial Award for Excellence in Respiratory Physiology and Medicine recognizes excellence in the physiological sciences and is presented annually to an individual demonstrating outstanding promise based on their research program in respiratory physiology and medicine.

The intent of the Filley award is to promote physiological contributions to the national research community, as was reflected through Giles F. Filley's membership in APS. Because of Dr. Filley's long association with the University of Colorado, Denver, preference for one award, on a competitive basis, is given to individuals affiliated with the institution. Awardee must attend the American Physiology Summit. The award does not include any indirect cost reimbursement. 

The award package includes:

  • $10,000 honorarium designated for use in the Awardees research program, but does not include any indirect cost reimbursement;
  • complimentary early registration to attend the APS annual meeting; and
  • certificate recognizing their designation as Giles F. Filley awardee. 

The award is presented during the APS Awards Meeting and Respiration Section Dinner. 

  • Must be an APS member in good standing for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years at the time of application
  • must be working within the US  
  • Must be an investigator who holds an academic rank no higher than assistant professor or equivalent

  • Description of current and future research program;
  • Justification for how and why research program meets the intent of award; 
  • NIH-style biosketch (up to 5 pages);
  • List of current and pending support or grants not listed in biosketch;
  • Letter of support from your department chair, administrator or mentor; and 
  • Letters of support discussing the impact of the research program on the field of respiration and medicine. 

Applications are only accepted via online submission.