Home / Professional Development / APS Awards / Researchers / Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section New Investigator Award
Award Description

The APS Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis (WEH) Section New Investigator Award recognizes an outstanding investigator in the early stages of their career.


The applicant must:

  • Be an APS member with primary affiliation with the WEH Section. 
  • Be an early-career investigator who holds a rank no higher than assistant professor or a comparable position in a research track at an academic institution or in industry (e.g., scientist, senior scientist, research investigator).  
  • Have made meritorious contributions to research represented by the WEH Section.  
  • Attend the American Physiology Summit. 

The application includes:

  • A curriculum vitae with a complete list of publications and abstracts.
  • A brief summary and analysis of the research contributions of the nominee (one page). 
  • Two letters of nomination from APS members.

Applications are reviewed by the WEH Section Awards Committee and will be judged on:

  • The research.
  • How publications and engagement relate to the WEH Section. 
  • Evidence for independence and promise (e.g., grant funding, peer review activities).
  • Letters of recommendation. 

The recipient of the award will present a lecture on their research during a WEH-sponsored session at the American Physiology Summit and will be invited to publish a manuscript on their presentation in the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.

WEH Conflict of Interest Policy and Award Scoring Rubric:

    Applications are only accepted via online submission.

    Award at a Glance

    Award amount: $1,000, plus reimbursement of the early registration fee to the American Physiology Summit, an invitation to publish a review based upon the American Physiology Summit presentation and a complimentary ticket to the WEH Section luncheon. 

    Deadline: January 6

    Questions? Contact: Carmen De Miguel, PhD, Chair, WEH Section Awards Committee 

    Who Can Apply: APS members who are early-career investigators.