Program Working Group

PURPOSE: The Program Working Group (PWG) is a strategic group that directs the development of member-submitted scientific programming

MEETINGS: The committee meets twice annually. Meetings may be conducted either in-person or electronically  


The PWG is composed of at least one representative from each of the sections and interest groups. The term of office for both section/group representatives and at-large members will be made annually for a maximum of three years. The president elect, Section Advisory Committee chair and the Chief Science Officer are ex officio members of the Committee, without vote. The chairperson is an ex officio member of Council, without vote. The director of scientific meetings shall serve as staff liaison.

  • Develop the scientific program for the Society’s annual meeting.
  • Ensure the scientific integrity of the Society’s scientific sessions at the meeting.
  • Develop oral sessions (approximately one-third of the total) for the meeting.
  • Coordinate the abstracts for the meeting.
  • Coordinate inter-Society programming.
  • Review the sections’ programming to avoid overlap or duplication.
  • Determine oral session allocation across sections, interest groups, and guest societies.
  • Promote and ensure inclusion of underrepresented groups at the annual meeting.
  • Submit a written annual report to Council at their spring meeting, as part of the consent agenda, providing activities from the previous 12 months. The report will be due three weeks ahead of the meeting.

Committee Members

  • Kirsteen N Browning, PhD
    Penn State Coll of Med

  • Amanda J LeBlanc, PhD
    University of Louisville
    Translational Physiology Interest Group

  • Anna E Stanhewicz, PhD
    University of Iowa
    Sex Gender Research Interest Group

  • Bryan Becker, PhD
    University of Alabama at Birmingham
    History Group

  • Caroline A. Rickards, PhD
    University of North Texas Health Science Center
    Environmental & Exercise Section

  • Chad Michael Paton, PhD
    University of Georgia
    Nutrition Physiology Interest Group

  • Dan R Halm, PhD
    Wright State University
    Cell & Molecular Physiology Section

  • Danielle R Bruns
    University of Wyoming
    Cardiovascular Section

  • Daria V. Ilatovskaya, PhD
    Augusta University
    Renal Section

  • David L Osborne, PhD
    Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine
    Teaching Section

  • Erica Heinrich
    University of California, Riverside
    Comparative & Evolutionary Physiology Section

  • Jasenka Zubcevic, PhD
    University of Toledo
    Water & Electrolyte Homeostasis Section

  • Jeffery S Tessem, PhD
    Brigham Young University
    Endocrinology & Metabolism Section

  • Jeremy W Prokop, PhD
    Michigan State University
    Physiological Genomics

  • Joseph T Brozinick, PhD
    Eli Lilly (United States)
    Muscle Biology Group

  • Katie Susan Hering-Smith, MS, PhD
    Tulane University
    Section Advisory Comm

  • Nicholas Zachos, PhD
    Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Gastrointestinal & Liver Section

  • Owen M Woodward, PhD
    University of Maryland, Baltimore
    Epithelial Trans Group

  • Peter M MacFarlane, PhD
    Case Western Reserve University
    Hypoxia Group

  • Russell Ray, PhD
    Baylor College of Medicine
    Respiration Section

  • Stefany Primeaux, PhD
    Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans
    Central Nervous System Section

  • Yumei Feng Earley, MD, PhD
    University of Nevada Reno
    Neural Control & Autonomic Regulation Section