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Women in Physiology Committee

PURPOSE: The Women in Physiology Committee (WIPC) works to actively increase the participation and promote the success and leadership of women in physiology and the Society.

MEETINGS: The committee meets twice annually. Meetings may be conducted either in person or virtually, depending on need. Other work of the committee may be conducted electronically.  


WIPC is composed of four or more regular members of the Society, plus two trainees (a graduate student and postdoctoral member), and a chair. The chair also serves on the APS Advisory Council. A member of the Careers Opportunities in Physiology Committee serves as ex officio, without vote. The director of member communities serves as staff liaison.

  • Investigate and advance issues pertaining to the education, employment and professional opportunities available to women in physiology.
  • Propose appropriate goals and strategies to advance gender equity throughout the Society and the discipline.
  • Work across the Society to develop and execute strategies to address sexual harassment and gender discrimination in science and within the Society and discipline.
  • Administer a mentoring program for early career women physiologists.
  • Coordinate activities with other such committees on women within the FASEB organization and those of other scientific societies that meet intermittently with the Society.
  • Submit a written annual report to the Board of Directors at their spring meeting, as part of the consent agenda, providing activities from the previous 12 months. The report will be due three weeks ahead of the meeting.  

Committee Members

  • Alicia Marie Schiller, PhD
    Tripler Army Medical Center

  • Alicia Nicole Pate, PhD
    Ponce Health Sciences University, St. Louis

  • Amy Leanne Ryan, PhD
    University of Iowa

  • Dawn K Coletta, PhD
    University of Arizona

  • Lila Buls Wollman, PhD
    University of Arizona

  • Marie Billaud
    Brigham and Women's Hospital

  • Martha Boadiwaa Dua-Awereh, PhD
    University of Cincinnati

  • Noha Shawky, PhD
    University of Mississippi Medical Center

  • Rebecca Hough
    Columbia University Medical Center

  • Savannah Jane Lusk, PhD
    Baylor College of Medicine

  • Xenia T Tigno, PhD
    National Institutes of Health, Office of Research on Women's Health

  • My Nga Helms
    University of Utah
    Council Liaison