Publications Committee

PURPOSE: The Publications Committee ensures the overall success of the APS journal and book publishing programs, providing oversight and expertise to ensure that the Society’s scientific, strategic and financial goals are met.

MEETINGS: The committee meets virtually once per month and up to twice annually in person. Meetings may be conducted either in person or virtually, depending on need. Other work of the committee may be conducted electronically. 


The committee is composed of a minimum of one trainee and five regular members of the Society who have served as editors or associate editors of scientific journals. Members may not serve more than one consecutive term. The president, president-elect, past president, chief executive officer and chief publishing officer are nonvoting ex officio members of the committee. The chair is appointed by the Executive Committee, approved by the APS Board of Directors, and serves a four-year term. During the first year, the incoming chair will serve as chair-elect, followed by three years as chair. The chair may serve up to two consecutive terms. The chair also serves on the APS Advisory Council. The chair or a designee of this committee serves on the Physiology Joint Managing Board. The chair and one member of this committee also serve on the Joint Managing Board of Physiological Reports.

  • Provide input into the overall strategy for the Society’s scientific publications, under policies determined by the Board.
  • Recommend policies and programs of activity that support and advance the Society’s scientific publishing program.
  • Appoint editors and approve EIC recommendations for associate editors.
  • Solicit nominations for membership on the Publications Committee, as vacancies occur. These nominations will be forwarded to the Committee on Committees for consideration by the Board.
  • Evaluate journal progress toward goals and other accomplishments prior to the expiration of the editors' first term.
  • Ensure that journal editors serve as ex officio members of appropriate section Steering Committees.
  • With staff, evaluate and agree upon actions for ethical issues regarding publications as they arise.
  • Submit a written annual report to the Board at their spring meeting, as part of the consent agenda, providing activities from the previous 12 months. The report will be due three weeks ahead of the meeting. 

Committee Members

  • Wolfgang M Kuebler, MD, FAPS
    Charite-Universitaetsmedizin Berlin

  • Charles H Lang, PhD, FAPS
    Pennsylvania State University

  • Eman Y Gohar, PhD
    Vanderbilt University Medical Ctr.

  • Joseph Francis Pierre, PhD
    University of Wisconsin - Madison

  • P. Darwin Bell, PhD, FAPS
    University of Alabama, Birmingham

  • Tracey L Weissgerber, PhD
    Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at Charité

  • Rory E Morty, PhD
    Heidelberg University Hospital
    Interim Member

  • Sue C Bodine, PhD,FAPS
    Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
    Interim Member

  • William F Jackson, PhD
    Michigan State University
    Interim Member

  • Colette Bean
    American Physiological Society
    Ex Officio

  • Robert L Hester, PhD, FAPS
    University of Mississippi Medical Center
    Ex Officio

  • S. Tony Wolf, PhD
    University of Georgia
    Trainee Representative

  • Scott Steen
    American Physiological Society
    Ex Officio

  • Timothy I Musch, FAPS
    Kansas State University
    Ex Officio