The name of this organization shall be the Iowa Physiological Society, hereinafter referred to as "The Society."
Section 1. The Society is organized as a professional association of Iowa physiologists whose purpose is to enhance and advance the field of physiology including its molecular, cellular, organ, and organismal basic and applied disciplines of research and unite physiologists for this purpose within the State of Iowa. The Society and those acting on its behalf are limited to purposes in the Articles of Incorporation or these bylaws and are strictly prohibited and enjoined from actions which violate the Constitution, federal or state laws or regulations, rulings of federal or state courts with jurisdiction in Iowa, or which are prohibited by the Articles of Incorporation or these bylaws.
Section 2. Society funds are to be used first for annual needs to maintain integrity and membership and for at least 1 annual scientific meeting at an Iowa institution with an activity in physiology. The Executive Committee may allocate funds up to $5,000 in excess of annual needs for an allowed purpose or add any portion of the excess to an amount to be voted on by the membership. Funds over $5,000 in excess of annual needs shall be used for allowed purposes decided by majority vote of the membership at an annual or special meeting or by mail. Lacking a majority the Executive Committee may: (a) assign funds by plurality, (b) split funds in proportion to votes among all or leading purposes, or (c) hold a run-off election.
Section 3. The Executive Committee may sponsor or authorize projects. Other committees may sponsor or authorize projects within areas of committee responsibility. Project sponsors will normally be expected to raise needed funds and must comply with all requirements mentioned in these bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall refuse funds bearing conditions in variance with a matter described in sections 1 or 5 of this Article. The Executive Committee may direct the Treasurer to refuse funds bearing conditions which are not within The Society's purposes or which do not appear to be in the best interests of The Society.
Section 5. If, due to membership vote or other reason, it is decided to make awards (grants, fellowships, etc.) the awards shall be limited to members of The Society or their nominees and shall be made on the basis of scientific or educational merit. The Executive Committee shall adopt guidelines for the award and appoint a Special Review Committee of 3 scientists and advisors on public interest and discrimination. The scientists shall be regular members of the Iowa or American Physiological Societies, have earned doctorates, 5 or more years of postdoctoral experience, a history of peer-reviewed publications and awards or equal recognition appropriate to their position, and hold faculty or equivalent positions in physiology or a related discipline in higher education, government, industry or a nonprofit organization. The President, Past President and President Elect shall each nominate one scientist. The Treasurer shall nominate the advisor on public interest. The Secretary shall nominate the advisor on discrimination. The majority vote of the Executive Committee shall ratify nominees. The Special Review Committee shall set the specific application and evaluation procedures. Instructions or application forms shall be mailed to the entire membership at least 60 days prior to the deadline. Awards shall be made to qualified applicants by majority vote of the Special Review Committee. Awards on behalf of The Society shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, veteran status, or other category defined by law. Special Review Committee members are ineligible for awards. The purview of the Special Review Committee shall be limited to the charge of the Executive Committee, the bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation. The Special Review Committee shall cease to exist when it has completed its charge or at any other time that the Executive Committee shall direct.
Section 1. Membership in The Society shall be open to all persons interested in physiology or related disciplines independent of national or international affiliation. Application shall be made on a prescribed form and must be accompanied by payment of a small annual due. To be a member, annual dues must be paid in full. Student members and honorary members shall not pay dues; however, only dues paying members shall be voting members.
Section 2. Regular members will normally hold an earned degree, have made significant contributions to research, teaching or service in physiology and have significant professional activity (including fellows) in research, teaching or service in physiology or a related science. Members of the American Physiological Society are automatically eligible for membership in The Society, others must be recommended for membership by two regular members of The Society. Professionals without an advanced degree or members of the public who have contributed significantly to research, teaching, or service in physiology may be inducted as regular members by Special Procedure. Students clearly demonstrating superior accomplishment in physiology may be inducted as regular members by Special Procedure. The Special Procedure for induction requires that two regular members write a detailed recommendation, that the Membership Committee agree with the recommendation, and that the recommendation be approved by majority vote of the membership.
Section 3. Students matriculated for a degree in physiology or related fields are eligible for student membership. Student member applications require recommendation of one regular member.
Section 4. Honorary membership is open to benefactors, friends, sponsors, and patrons of The Society in recognition for donations or volunteer efforts. Honorary membership requires recommendation by any two officers or committee chairpersons, approval by the Membership Committee, and approval by majority vote of the membership.
Section 5. The Membership Committee may initiate action to remove members who do not adequately respond to any charge of unprofessional behavior or other conduct inappropriate to membership in The Society. The Membership Committee will forward its recommendation to the President for inclusion on the agenda of the next annual meeting. The member will be removed by the vote of two thirds of the members voting at that meeting.
Section 6. The Membership Committee will review all applications and may: (a) recommend approval, (b) require documentation, (c) stipulate conditions for approval or, (d) reject. In the event of rejection of an application or removal of a member, the Membership Committee shall specify the reason(s) for such rejection or removal, which shall serve as the basis for any appeal. Appeals shall be directed first to the Executive Committee. In the appeal, the rejected applicant or former member shall respond in writing to the Membership Committee's action. The rejected applicant or former member will be advised of a date and time for a hearing at least 30 days in advance. If the rejected applicant or former member chooses to appear before the Executive Committee to present their case they must notify the President at least seven days in advance of the hearing. A representative of the Membership Committee may be present if the rejected applicant or former member is present. Members of the Membership Committee who are also members of Executive Committee will be excluded from Executive Committee service while the appeal is being heard and voted on. If the Executive Committee upholds the decision of the Membership Committee, the rejected applicant or former member shall be allowed to appeal directly to the membership at the next annual meeting. The majority vote of the membership is final.
Annual dues shall be $10.00 per year and are payable on January 1. Any member whose dues have not been paid within six months of this date shall be dropped from membership. Reinstatement shall be accomplished by reapplication and submission of the annual dues required. There shall be no proration of any dues for membership in The Society for a partial year.
Section 1. The officers of The Society shall be the President, Past President, President Elect, Treasurer and Secretary. The President shall not be from the same institution for two consecutive terms.
Section 2. The duties of the officers shall be those customary to such office; in addition:
- The President shall call meetings, determine the annual meeting theme and serve as the annual meeting coordinator as required to conduct The Society's business and shall serve a one year term after which he/she serves as Past President.
- The President Elect shall serve together with the President as Vice President for one year and then become President to work together with the new President Elect and the Past President. The President Elect shall act as Chair in the absence of the President and shall call the annual meeting to be held at least once a year.
- The Treasurer shall serve three years and be responsible for the preservation of The Society's funds and shall report on financial status and shall disperse funds as authorized by a majority of the membership, the unanimous consensus of the Executive Committee, or as contained in the budget prepared by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for any income tax filings.
- The Executive Committee shall appoint a committee chairperson to serve as Secretary for the duration of their term as committee chairperson.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Past President, President Elect, Treasurer, and Chairpersons of any standing committees.
Section 2. Committee Chairpersons shall appoint members of his/her own committee. Members of the committee shall serve a term of 2 years.
Section 3. The Annual Meeting Committee shall be chaired by the President.
Section 4. The elections procedure shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 5. Special committees, necessary for the development of The Society, may be appointed by the President.
Section 1. Elections shall be held at the annual meeting.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall solicit from the membership nominees for officers.
Section 3. The list of nominees shall be presented to the membership in the form of a ballot. The ballot shall be anonymous.
Section 1. The entire Society shall meet for presentation of scientific information each year. The meetings shall be held at various Iowa institutions as determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall meet as called by the President, at least two times each year.
Section 3. A quorum to conduct business at meetings of The Society shall consist of two officers plus one tenth of the member eligible to vote in any annual or special meeting.
Section 4. Special meetings may be called by the President or the Executive Committee.
In the event of dissolution of The Society, funds remaining after payment of all obligations shall be donated to the American Physiological Society.
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting, or any special meeting duly called for the purpose by a 2/3 vote of the voting members present.
Section 2. A notice of such amendments must be sent with a notice of such meetings at least four weeks prior to the meeting.
Section 3. The proposed amendment must be in acceptable parliamentary form and must not conflict with or nullify unamended sections of the Bylaws.